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✍作者: 鈺龍   🌎來自: 賴氏網   🕗時間: 2005-7-29   👆浏览: -

有用的醫學名詞:中英文對照 (婦產科),為身居海外的華人提供就醫方便

婦產科: Obstetrics & Gynecology
子宮: Uterus
子宮口: Cervix
陰道: Vagina
月經: Menstruation (Periods)
下腹部痛: Lower abdominal pain
陰道分泌物: Vaginal Discharge
月經周期: Menstrual Cycle
月經痛: Dysmenorrhea
懷孕: Pregnancy
預產期: Date of delivery; Due date
害喜: Morning sickness
胎兒心音: Fetal Heart Sounds
流產: Miscarriage
墮胎: Abortion
破水: Membrane Rupture / Water broken
陣痛: Labor Pain
早期破水: Premature Rupture
腿抽筋: Leg Cramp
排卵: Ovulation
受精: Conception
著床: Implantation
胎兒: Fetus
胎動: Fetal Movement; Quickening
妊娠紋: Striations of Pregnancy (common saying: strech mark)
尿道炎: Urinary tract infection (縮寫UTI)
蛋白尿癥: Albuminuria
羊水過多: Polyhydramnion
胞狀畸胎: Hydatid Mole
宮外孕: Ectopic Pregnancy
輸卵管懷孕: Tubal Pregnancy
產道: Birth Canal
直腸檢查: Rectal Examination
陰道檢查: Internal (Vaginal) Examination
分娩: Delivery
子宮收縮: Contraction
會陰切開: Episiotomy
會陰縫合: Perineorrhaphy Stitch
產後: After Birth
臍帶: Umbilical Cord
胎盤: Placenta
惡露: Lochia
早產: Premature Birth
死產: Still Birth
雙胞胎: Twins
多胞胎: Multiple Birth
胎盤前置: Placenta Praevia
胎盤分離: Separation of the Placenta
盤卷臍帶: Coiling of the Umbilical Cord
骨盆狹窄: Narrow Pelvic
會陰裂傷: Laceration of the Perineum
子宮破裂: Tubal Rupture
產褥熱: Puerperal Fever
剖腹產: Caesarean Section
產鉗助產: Forceps Delivery
母乳餵養: Brest Feeding
人工餵養: Bottle Feeding
初乳: Colostrum
新生兒: Newborn Baby
懷孕中毒癥: Toxemia of Pregnancy
見紅:The bloody show
緊急避孕藥:morning after pill
-責任編輯:鈺龍 文章頁數:第[1]页 
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